Below are a few of the recent planning documents that have been prepared by Thomas Planning Associates for municipal clients.
Borough of Allentown Master Plan
The Borough of Allentown Master Plan was adopted by the Planning Board on June 4, 2018. This Master Plan replaces the original Master Plan adopted in 1978 and incorporates mandatory Master Plan Elements that have been adopted by the Planning Board in accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.). The Borough is unique due to its Historic District designation and the Master Plan goals and objectives preserve and protect its historic designation and natural resources.
Borough of Atlantic Highlands Master Plan
This Atlantic Highlands Master Plan is divided into two parts: Planning Background and Master Plan. It presents a direction and a clear course of action to realize the future vision for Atlantic Highlands. It provides a valuable tool for the residents of Atlantic Highlands to use to guide the future of their unique community located on the Bayshore.
Freehold Township Housing Plan
The Freehold Housing Plan and Fair Share Plan Element was adopted by the Planning Board on July 9, 2020. In additional to the Housing Plan Element Thomas Planning Associates also prepared additional required documents including the Spending Plan and Zoning Ordinances to implement the Plan.
Other Recent Municipal Planning Projects
Zoning Ordinance Amendments
Land Use Plan Amendments
Reexamination Reports
Area in Need of Redevelopment Plans
Zoning Maps
Environmental Constraints Maps
Aerial Location Maps
Parking Study and Maps
Build-Out Analyses